Christian Rest in Covid Times

Christians, you may have unknowingly been led to embrace a theology which falsely teaches that our calling as followers of Jesus is to disrupt secular society in hopes of the opportunity to remake it in Christ's image.

This appealed to you because it seemed like the solution to our nation's spiritual malaise and moral drift. It sounded right because you were told it was driven by Christ's lordship and the authority of God over the nations. Because you (rightly) affirm these things, you embraced it.

At a time of dwindling Christian influence and the rise of a thoroughly secular state, a theology of conquest brought welcome hope to you. Since our nation was founded upon Christianity, then certainly God will reclaim what is his, and use faithful freedom fighters to make it happen!

Your embrace of this thinking and theology has found you set in opposition against governing authorities and suspect of any other Christian who disagrees. In your mind, our secular leaders are illegitimate interlopers who need to bow the knee to divine rule and your fellow believers, who disagree, are cowardly statists whose faith is weak and whose willingness to suffer for their Lord is non-existent.

To you, I say, it is commendable that you love Jesus, and that you recognize his authority, even over the state but, in your zeal you've been led astray as to how believers are to apply Christ's lordship in the here and now.

You've been misled regarding our collective Christian identity. You've been misled regarding the commission which Jesus has left us. You've been misled regarding how Christ's Lordship will come to bear upon this world. You've been misled regarding the nature and timing of Christ's kingdom. You've been misled regarding what Christlike character looks like in this age.

Again, I affirm and commend some of the principles which drive you. I also believe that Jesus is Lord and Judge and that all nations will give an account to him. I also believe that a culture which rejects God will face societal decay and innumerable consequences in the present. I also believe that the lives of Christians should be lived in the public square so as to cast light in the darkness and spread salt upon the decay. We may agree much in principle but we do not agree on application.

Christ's lordship enables his followers, not to conquer earthly governments but to live in meekness while we await his authoritative return. God's sovereignty over the state enables his followers, not to wield divine authority over our earthly leaders, but to recognize that, as Lord of statecraft, his hand is working his purposes even through wicked governments. The Spirit's work in the church enables us, not to "rise up and take back", but to possess a quiet confidence, characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness.

If you are one who has been misled and are beginning to feel the exhausting affects of this misapplication of your faith, will you return to the rest that Jesus designed your faith to give? Will you lay down your arms and rediscover the supernatural peace which the Spirit brings to those who walk in step with him? If so, I think there are multitudes of faithful Christians who will welcome you back with open arms.


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